Monday, 28 July 2008

Long lost Friend

Lost Friend-by Sean

Just like any other kind of love,
Friendship can be lost,
Due to anger,neglect or sometimes,
Simple circumstances,
However it is lost,
We often lost a part of us,
That sometimes can't be recovered.

Regret-by Sean

I regret for not ,
Telling her that i liked her,
And that i loved her,
Now that she is gone,

I'm always looking for a way,
To find her and tell her the truth,
She has always made me smile,
And cheer me up when i'm down,

As the day turn into months,
I still think of her,
And i wish i could see her again,

My heart is missing one,
Special piece,
That special piece,
Is you.

I got the inspiration to write these poems because i suddenly just thought of this girl i used to have a crush on. I met her in my tuition when i was standard 3 . I felt like i had a special feeling for her. Now, she's gone and i hope that i'll find her one day again. I hope you like the poem .


Saturday, 26 July 2008

Back Online!

Hey everyone!!!
sorry for the non-updating recently my computer was busted.Apparently my computer was missing this file for Windows . So i could even get into Windows. Anyway, its all fixed up now . Also ,my Trials are coming soo i really got to buck up . Sorry again , if i dont update, ill try to have some free time just to update kayh.

i have to go now !!

Monday, 21 July 2008

School Magazine........

A few days ago, on thursday during science, i was asked by teacher to control the computer. We were learning chapter 9-Stars and Galaxys. After awhile, Chenlam came and called hui jan,me,and carmen. He asked if we mind him featuring our blogs on the school mag.After hearing him say that, i had this amazing feeling cause our blogs was going to be featured on the school mag ,its going to be an amazing experince. Carmen said no,because its a personal space. Me and hui jan didnt mind.

Then Chenlam told us that he will be calling us, for a short interview and to take a picture of us. Hui jan was shocked!!!because she is camerafobic. Hui jan was begging chenlam because she seriously didnt want to take a picture of herself . But Chenlam insisted that she did =).Then, Hui jan accepted with a smile and a nervous/excited face. At that time i was really nervous too yet anxious.

~Next day~

Chenlam came during BM period , me and hui jan already knew that it was going to be about the blog thing. He gave us this small piece of paper that we are suppose to fill in :


What is blogging to you ?


Then, he told us to pass him the paper during recess and that he was going to take a picture of us during recess. So then, during recess we waited and waited. Hui jan was trying to find him and then we finally found him . Gave him the paper and we went to the teachers room stairs. Hui jan and i were freaking out cause we were nervous and excited at the same time. So then, we were laughing, while we were laughing i didnt actually know that Chenlam had already taken the pictures.*Laughs*. I was also shocked that hui jan did it. She got a photo of herself taken . Congrats hui jan =). Then recess ended and everything went back to normal.I can't wait to see the school mag next year .

During geo, Pn Chong broke the news , and told us that the goverment had set the date for Trials. She told us that Trials was going to be on 11th August 2008 . From then on, everyone freaked because we only had 3 more weeks till Trials and we're going to be having our July monthly test on the 22nd July 2008. So we all have to cram everything up and i hope that we score with flying colours.

Heres a poem i made ....Out of the blue it just popped out in my mind hope you like it please rate it 1-10 in my chatbox.

Daydreamer-by Sean

Whenever i day dream,

And day dream i do,

In my secret place,

I dream of you.

I dream of you ,

in a faraway place,

Holding you tighly,

And you holding my hands.

Lying down on the grass,

Looking into your brown eyes,

And your beautiful smile,

Makes my heart drown.

Its doesnt really look like its complete but yeah enjoy. and thanks for reading.



Monday, 14 July 2008


Her-by Seanwentz

I like holding her hand,
Holding her in my arms,
Never wanting to let go,
Never saying goodbye,
Wishing the kiss lasted forever.

Everytime I say goodbye,
I want to be with her more,
She makes my heart burn,
Her touch,
Makes my heart beat faster.

Her smile brightens my day,
And her presence is even greater,
For then I know I will always Love her,
And with every Hug and Kiss,
Our relationship grows stronger.

I feel sad when she cries,
I want to make things better,
but all that i can say is,
Everythings going to be okay.

I will always be there for her,
and all i want her to know is,
I will love her always.

Firstly, i would like to say thank you to Aaron Ashton. On his tips, on making poems, Expressive one and a Rhyming one. It has really helped me alot because reading your post has made tonnes of ideas come down from the sky . So Thanks alot.......=).Lastly this is the first poem i tried to make after reading Aarons post. This poem is known as an expressive poem.


Sunday, 6 July 2008

Sports Carnival...

Well, my day started like this . I woke up suddenly by my mum then i looked at the time.Guess what!!? it was 9am. I was about 2 hours late for sports carnival and i was playing Handball for my house.......Damn i was pissed. So then i took a bath and ate, then i reached school and it was 9.30am and there was no way of getting in, because the gates were locked.Then i saw these 2 form 6 people going into the school and the guard opened the gate for them(thank gawd). So i followed them in and went to the multipurpose court .

I reached there, and i found out that i already missed the first game =.=" damn . My house won the blue house 7-1 in the first game. So i started my warm up and all the normal stuff. Practiced a lil before my game. Then is was time to play the second game with Green house. The game started normal at first. I was actually playing againts the head prefect Yie Hahn. He was kinda rough .Then green house started to score, they were leading 2-0. Then we scored our first by Satyan.First half ended , changed sides . Then now we found out their tactics, every goal they wanted to score, they pass to Yie hahn . So we started to mark Yie Hahn. From there on, We started scoring. Then the game ended and we won !!! 3-5.

So then, we waited rest and all, we were in the finals Vs with Yellow house if they beat blue house. While resting, Mr Alvin asked me to be a referee. Then me and my team watched Yellow house and Blue house play. Yellow house played good, they were using the wall for their defense.Blue house lost and got trashed because they didnt have any teamwork. Well, after seing that game , we discussed about our strategy.We planned to do the same thing, using the wall and defend like mad to make them feel stressed and aim the strikers.

Then it came to our turn to play. They scored the first goal 1-0 . Then they started attacking and our strategy actually worked . Then we started scoring , their defenses were brokened. In the end we Won as Champions !!!! 4-3 . I scored the winning goal.....We made a good strategy and i really plan to use it in the future for playing in school team .

After all that action, I went to walk around the stalls , first i went to the interact stall . I found out that all the sandwiches were sold out. Its sad i didnt have a chance to buy one and try it . =( .I heard it was good. So then i moved on to the next stall by Form Six Sociaty. They were doing Henna Art. The designs were quite girly soo i didnt get one. Moving on to the next stall by Scouts , they were selling Fruits my stomach didnt want fruits it wanted a drink. =). Then i went on to the next stall by Dance Club, they were selling drinks ,just what i needed sooo i bought a drink there and walked around more. Before i knew it , Mr Kumaresan asked us to hurry up and buy everything help to finish it and go home because prize giving was going to be on monday .

It was a great day. It was also a great feeling i had when Red house won Handball. Well , i hope that they will have Sports Carnival again next year. I'd like to have the same team members.

Enough Fun !!!
Monthly test 21st July. First day, im having Sejarah.Haih


Friday, 4 July 2008


Today at school, geo. I was talking to edmund, then edmund went to hui jan(Prefect), to ask her for her signature because edmund is a prefect probationer and had signature drive. So then hui jan asked him to serenade to Sze li. Then Edmund took a few moments before he did it. Me and hui jan were laughing our heads off because edmund went and came back went and came back several times.

Then, when edmund suddenly had the guts to do it.Then he went to Sze li and went down on his two knees. He kept on saying Hai to Sze li and smiling all the while *smiles*. Went down on his two knees and got up and go down several times also. At that time, Hui jan was in tears already. Not in tears of sadness, in tears of joy out of all the laughing.

Then, suddenly the whole class was quiet and all looking at edmund. I was there trying to make edmund do it and get over it. JJ and Yazmin was over there cheering for him*laughs*.Then hui jan said ' Come on la , edmund you sing all the time, why cant you just sing ?? Are you used to singing to Zafri ??' Then edmund said 'Yes of course Zafri sits beside me everyday'. Then Hui jan said ' Fine la go serenade to Zafri . and sing When you look me in the eye by Jonas Brothers'. Then Zafri was like yuck im not gayy.

Finally, after waiting for soo long , Edmund finally did it. and serenade to Zafri . It was all eyes on edmund. Then it ended and hui jan finally gave him her signature. After that , I went to play watch fatihah play chess , and i cant beleive she is joining chess for sports carnival . I pity the green house. She does know how to play but just dont understnad what 'Check' means. So then edmund was kinda trashing her. Then i took over . The game was kinda messed up already. In the end edmund won , obviously.

Then, Pn Sarala came into the class, after being gone for 2/3 of the period. She said she was marking our sejarah folio and everyone did good . *Cheers*.So then we told her that we wanted to rest because of Folio stress , then she said okay =) . Pn Sarala is a really sweet teacher but if you piss her off then youre ........

Anyways it was a great day at school and im having sports carnival tomorrow. Its going to be a fun day =)

~Sean wentz~

Wednesday, 2 July 2008


Well, reading Hui jans blog got me thinking about my cat ' Kitty' . I used to have a cat named Kitty, I sort of got it because one day it came to my house and it looked like it had just been thrown out from its owners house.....cause it was used to being around people. Stray cats are afraid of people . So we brought it in . It was sooo cute, im sorry i dont have a picture of it ......because i didnt have a digital camera at that time .

Well, after years and years of having Kitty around, and considered as Family. We found out that Kitty was pregnant. After a few months, she gave birth to 4 kittens . The Kittens were at the size of my hands . Anyways when the kittens were a few months old. Unfortunately, we could'nt keep the kittens, soo we send it to the Petshop(i was in tears). I was begging my mum to just keep them. I failed....

After the next few months , Kitty got pregnant again. And the same thing repeated, had 4 kittens again . Then my mum couldnt take it anymore and took her to SPCA without letting us know. As we all know , if the pets there werent adopted in a few months , it will be put into sleep .(haihz)

So then , we only kept one kitten and i named it Tiger. Had Tons of fun with it , everytime i bought Mcdonalds, i would give it french fries . It really seem to like it . Haihz I love it soo much.

Then one day , driving home, we spot a cat on the side of the road, which looked like Tiger. Soo then me , my mum and my brother , walked there to see , if its Tiger or not . Unfortunately , it was , i was in tears already =( . Tiger had been Killed by a Dog and got bitten in the neck and there was ants all over it. Haih , i miss it soo much and this is why i hate dogs.!!

Well, like everyone says we have to move along . This happened when i was standard 3 or 4 . I really hoped that i had taken a picture of it . I regret now. Its in Cat Heaven now in a happier place .

RIP. Tiger, Kitty.


~Sean wentz~