Hello all . =) . My title says it all . My new favorite song is plain white t's - 1234 . Its such a sweet song . I wish i could write songs like these and sing em to the girl i love . Here's the best part that i like in the song .
There’s only one thing To Do Three words For you (I love you) I love you
Its soo sweet . You could listen to the song .....from my videolist . In the video , the lyrics are provided too . So feel free to sing along to it =) . But make sure no ones around first .
Anyways , the next thing is the Interact Charity Concert(ICC). Concert will be held at 14th March 2009. Sorry to tell you all that the VIP tickets are all sold out . There are still normal tickets still for sale at rm 25 each . If you're from samad find me during recess or something to buy the tickets . Tickets will only be given when the money is given . Another thing is , this thursday there is going to be rehersals at Smk Bukit Bintang at 2.30pm-5.30pm . Its going to be fun . Well only people who are in backstage are allowed to come .
Also, if Pn Normala my mod maths teacher . If you do come by this blog . I would like to say congratulations on your new born baby boy!!!!!. Lastly, i have to go now . On my next post ill try to make another poem =) . Take care all .
Eternal love-by seanie
Im sad and depressed,
All i want to do is rest,
When i go to sleep at night,
In my dreams,i just cant fight.
Thinking of you,
Laying on the bed beside me,
Wishing i could have said something to you,
Before you left,
For the better things in life.
Now that youre gone,
All i wanted to say to you was,
I love you more than you know,
and i miss you more and more each day,
I hope that i'll have another chance,
To see you again in life,
Because my love for you is eternal.
Enjoy the poem and i write poems out of the experinces i've had out of love and friendship . Another thing is , in this poem the message im trying to pass is dont hold back from expressing your feelings to someone . Whether you'll get rejected , just forget about that . Its better to express it than not express at all . Before that someone goes away . I have experinced it before . It hurts . Take care alll . I hope you like it .
Hmm....my life lately , its been okay not too fun , not too boring . Monthly tests are coming and there will be no jadual for it . Teacher just told us that example , for add maths period which is 2 periods teacher could just walk in and say "Test today" . So its quite scary .
As for my love life ......pretty much dead . Some how i havent found my soulmate. Well theres still time =) . There was once that i expressed my love to someone .....and that someone just laughed and ignored my expression . It was quite heartbreaking . That is one of the worst things i've gone through in my love life . As shown in the picture below . It relates to that . I love pon and zi because somehow i can really relate to them(picture). Its really sweet sometimes but sometimes it can be sad . The worst thing that everyone is afraid of in love is the rejection . I will write another post next time about this =) . P/s im not saying you shouldnt express you love , you should do it also before its too late .
Being ignored ......
Next thing is School . Hmm ....there is ceramah tomorrow ughh....hate all these ceramahs . Some of them might come in handy but most of them are just useless. The ceramah tomorrow is going to be about Cyber safety or something like that . Its going to take up from first periods until recess . I know some of you might be thinking why i dont like it . Its because im going to miss my bio . I love my bio teacher she is just awesome . =) I have to go now . Take care all .
Valentines-by seanie
On this special day ,
Love is everywhere,
In the world,
Some people might be sad,
Some people might be happy as ever,
This special day is Valentines Day.
Some people may think that on valentines day , they are sad and miserable . It doesnt mean you need a valentine to celebrate valentines day . And its also the cause of past bad relationships . Look to the future and forget the past . Just remember the good times of the past of course . Take care everyone and Happy Valentines day . P/s Im dateless , so dont ask =) .
Random poem only =P . Simply made .
Life may be difficult sometimes,
But we must go on fighting/
For our hearts true desire
To succeed in life,
And exceed expectations,
From the people who looks down on you.
by seanie.
That someone- by seanie.
There is always someone,
That gives us hope and faith,
When we're giving up,
On the challenges we face,
Cherish that someone,
Because that someone is hard to find.
Rejection-by seanie
With your presence,
This heart beats with pounding force
In nervousness to see you,
Should i or not ,
Express my feelings to her,
My heart cant bare to take the rejection,
That will shatter my fragile heart,
Into a million pieces,
And bring tears to my eyes.
Hi everyone, Sorry about my last post . I was pretty stress when i wrote it , and i kinda insulted my sejarah teacher and the prefects . Really sorry. Anyways, as many of you know that Mr Thong is retiring tomorrow. My class has planned to raise money to get him something for his retirement . We were planning to give him a Card and a bouquet of lollipops which look like flowers , made by the Leo Club. Even though he has relived my class for only 2 times but in that relive time , he spoke to us about many things . It feels like he is always lecturing us .
To me, i think he looks really young . I mean he cant be that old , he doesn't look like he has any white hair . Some of you might not know who he is because youre not from my school , so i'll tell you his appearence . He wears specs,has a mustache,he sometimes wear drop pants and if you have bad manners infront of him he'll scold you . That's how he is =) . Mr Thong if you come by this blog i want to say Congratulations on your Retirement !!! =) .
The next thing that is happening in school is , my class has been chosen to do choral speaking . Last year in 3 Dahlia , we also had to do this choral speaking . All of us in 3 Dahlia refused to do it because there was no benefits . Our English teacher told us that we would be receiving a Cert. of participation . Well what a big fat lie . We didnt receive anything out of it . This year , again my English teacher[same as last year] says that we will be receiving a real Cert. this time . Im not sure if i should beleive her or not .
Next topic , is the monthly tests[SMKSAS students only]. Monthly test will be held in the second week of March just before the holidays . I am horrified because its said that many people fails in form 4 when they take their first test . I just hope that i can study and score with flying colour [ as in not fail anything]. Anyways, that is all that is going to happen in school in this few weeks . =)
Looks like its time for me to do my homework again . I wouldnt want it to pail.Take care.
Whee, monday is a holiday . I dont have to go through sitting down at the perhimpunan for 45 mins and listening to all those boring speeches although some maybe interesting but yeah . Prefects who are also always walking around commanding you to do this and do that . It gets pretty annoying sometimes .
I am pretty annoyed by my sejarah teacher and pretty jealous at the fact that 4 Adil and 4 Cekap got a better sejarah teacher . I'm not saying that my sejarah teacher is not good , but she is not fulfilling her duties as a teacher but giving us notes . Instead we are being asked to make our own notes and its kinda time consuming . Some teachers got to understand that we have other homeworks on other subjects to be done . Thats all i have to say now , i dont want to say no more .
Anyways, i would like to savor these 3 days of holiday to catch up on my sleep now. Take care .