Friday, 5 June 2009

Stuck in this daydream !!!

Stuck in this daydream-by seanie & rianne.

At the spur of the moment,
A thought enters my head,
Penetrating at every angle possible,
Pulling strings of the things that are related,

Lightning, thunder, black and brown,
Shades of white, black and yellow,
That little piece of topaz charm,
Sinks deeper and deeper into my mind,

There you are in the depths of my mind,
Staring straight into my eyes,
Random as it seems,
You're the most random thing in my mind,
And it's also you,
Who conquers the best part of my mind,

You made my frown,
Turn into a smile,
After a tough day of the world,
Like the sun shines ,
After a cloudy and dark day,
I am now stuck in this daydream,
With the thought of you in my mind.

Just finished this poem , and it was made by my friend Rianne about a month ago before exams started . Well she didnt finish it , so i helped her finish it . Hope you all like it .


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